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Press-on bands - Solid Tires MH 20

press-on bands, MH 20, MH20, MC20, MC 20, industrial tractors, forklift trucks, heavy-duty transport vehicles, airport vehicles, dumpers, graders, telescopic lifts

The ideal tire for maximum stability on heavy loads. Also available in SuperClean for non marking on light-coloured surfaces, and for 3 different rim fittings, with steel base or steel wire reinforcement. 




  • profileless
  • low vibration for enhanced ride comfort
  • solid shoulder
  • damage resistant wear area for protection against sharp objects
Size Program of the MH 20
Size Program

Choose a dimension of the MH 20 to find out more about the technical data and the load capacities.

Dimensions of the MH 20 

with steel-ground

steel-wire reinforcement

180/50-120 105/45-65
250/75-140 125/50-75
250/130-140 150/50-100
265/160-160 160/50-100
254/102-165 (10x4x6½) 170/75-100
254/127-165 (10x5x6½) 180/75-100
267/127-165 (10½x5x6½) 200/75-100
230/50-170 200/85-105
230/75-170 180/100-105
250/80-170 180/50-120
250/105-170 230/75-120
250/60-190 200/50-140
250/85-190 250/75-140
280/60-190 250/100-140
300/100-203 250/130-140
330/89-203 (13x3½x8) 200/60-150
330/114-203 (13x4½x8) 265/160-160
343/140-203 (13½x5½x8) 230/50-170
356/114-203 (14x4½x8) 250/60-170
280/50-220 260/60-170
285/75-220 250/75-170
406/127-267 (16x5x10½) 280/75-170
406/152-267 (16x6x10½) 250/80-170
360/60-270 300/85-170
360/85-270 310/100-170
381/127-286 (15x5x11¼) 270/105-170
413/127-286 (16¼x5x11¼) 250/50-190
413/152-286 (16¼x6x11¼) 250/60-190
413/178-286 (16¼x7x11¼) 280/60-190
405/65-305 310/75-200
405/130-305 285/100-200
405/260-305 310/120-200
415/75-305 310/140-200
415/90-305 300/90-203
415/100-305 300/100-203
425/150-305 313/130-203
415/200-305 343/140-203 (13½x5½x8)
425/260-305 280/50-220
425/300-305 300/50-220
450/260-305 310/60-200
450/300-305 280/75-220
432/114-308 (17x4½x12 1/8) 300/75-220
457/127-308 (18x5x12 1/8) 310/120-220
457/152-308 (18x6x12 1/8) 405/160-250
457/178-308 (18x7x12 1/8) 406/127-267 (16x5x10½)
457/203-308 (18x8x12 1/8) 406/152-267 (16x6x10½)
520/100-370 406/178-267 (16x7x10½)
533/127-381 (21x5x15) 360/60-270
533/178-381 (21x7x15) 360/75-270
533/203-381 (21x8x15) 360/85-270
533/229-381 (21x9x15) 400/65-305
559/152-406 (22x6x16) 400/75-305
559/203-406 (22x8x16) 415/90-305
559/229-406 (22x9x16) 415/100-305
559/254-406 (22x10x16) 455/100-305
559/305-406 (22x12x16) 405/130-305
559/356-406 (22x14x16) 425/150-305
559/406-406 (22x16x16) 457/178-308 (18x7x12 1/8)
500/65-410 533/229-330 (21x9x13)
560/100-410 500/85-370
550/160-410 520/100-370
610/150-410 525/120-370
620/200-410 500/125-370
645/250-410 533/229-381 (21x9x15)
645/300-410 500/65-410
645/200-480 560/100-410
645/250-480 550/120-410
670/200-480 590/120-410
760/250-500 610/150-410
711/254-599 (28x10x22) 550/160-410
711/305-599 (28x12x22) 540/200-410
840/356-599 620/200-410
711/406-559 (28x14x22) 645/250-410
920/250-670 645/200-480
Continental Industrial Tires - Press-on bands MH 20