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MPT Titan

MPT 81, MPT81, MPT, Radialtires,tires, industrial tractors, tractors, forklift trucks, heavy-duty transport vehicles, airport vehicles, dumpers, graders, telescopic lifts

The MPT Titan is particularly suited for road application. Available in size 10.5-20.



  • high percentage of tread in contact with the road
  • low noise levels for driver comfort
  • high mileage
  • robust cross-ply carcass
  • resistant to tire wall damage
Size Program of the MIL Radial
Size Program

Choose a dimension of the MIL Radial to find out more about the technical data and load capacities.

Dimensions of the MIL Radial.

12.5 R 20

Continental Industrial Tires - MIL Radial